The month of Elul is here, and High Holidays are fast Approaching. This month I feel it is important to focus on how and why we obey Yeshua. Why do we want another year of life, unless it is to live the way Yeshua wants us to live? To get us off our thrones and put Yeshua on them instead.
Our Nation is under Judgement. We need revival, strength from the Lord and the Holy spirit guiding us these next few months until after the election and beyond. As we bring in the New Year, the day of creation and are Blowing the Trumpets we are commanded to talk to Yeshua about everything we need and what will be doing for him the rest of the year. Resist that inner self desire for control. Remember Gods ways are not our way. We cannot control the times that are fast approaching. Allow Yeshua to take control and guide your life.
Deuteronomy 5:7 tells us “You shall NO OTHER GODS besides me. “
(I read a Book by Skip Moen) here is his take on that word of God:
OTHER GODS -an axiom of human resource management applies here. People almost always do what they believe is in their best interest. God certainly knows all about this axiom. When he sees how many of us act in opposition to his will, He must shake His head in dismay. For of course this means that acting according to GODS rules is NOT in our BEST interest. They think the rules inhibit their freedoms! They want what they want when they want it. Of course, God knows how foolish all of this is. The interest they serve is a really damning curse. They just don’t see it.
Why isn’t God willing to let us have just a few choice masters? Why is He insistent that we serve only Him? God wants us to make Him our exclusive sovereign because it is in OUR BEST interest to do so. If you want the BEST LIFE NOW, then make Him the only God you serve!
Oswald Chambers once said that the enemy of the BEST is the good.
This is exactly what matters here. God wants you to have the BEST life NOW! Most of us settle for a good life instead. WHY? It’s because we think we know what is better for us without Gods input. We think we are perfectly capable of effectively managing our lives. Life is bent. It’s bent-on purpose because it is designed to point out our infirmity, dependence and incapacity. We ignore this curvature of existence at our peril. GOD is capable of bringing about your best life now. We ignore the curvature of existence atBless and Keep US! our peril. Oh, it might not be the kind of life you thought was ‘good’, but it will be the life that best prepares you to serve and worship Yeshua. We reject other GODS (elohiym akherim) because we want the best. We serve the King because we want what He has to offer more than the others. This is an act of supreme self interest that also happens to be in perfect alignment with Gods will.
Remember without God in these fast approaching End Days, please use this month and High Holidays to repent, and ask forgiveness, seek you first the kingdom of Heaven, and ask Yeshua to forgive you.