May 28 ,2022

Torah Portion: B, chutkotai-in My Status, Lev26:3-27:34

Haftarah: Jer 16: 19-17:14

Apostolic: Mat 22:1-14

                Rosh Chodesh Memorial Day May 30, 2022.Shavuot June 4-6 depending on your Calendar.

A Quote from Abraham Joshua Heschel: To Accept the Law

Man had to expelled from the Garden of Eden; he had to witness the murder of half of the human species by Cain; experience the catastrophe of the Flood; the confusion of languages; slavery in Egypt and the wonder of the Exodus,

To be ready to accept the law, given on Mt Sinai on Pentecost, celebrated next weekend. Those In Jerusalem on the same day, (apostles) were waiting for Yeshua. They began speaking in tongues and received the Holy spirit and celebrated this next weekend.

                Our nation is beginning to feel the Hand of oppression from the coup by Bidens regime. Let’s compare the parallels, to Heschel’s insight, with what happened to Israel before they received the Law and we see the return of Yeshua.

A NATION WITH SO MUCH BOUNTY, out of baby food, shortages coming, our food supply our Garden of Eden is gone. Daily murders, crime on the rise, destruction of our cities as we kill each other, destruction of our police and courts. Natural disasters, Earthquakes, volcanoes, tornadoes, drought, and hurricanes all increasing.

No more confusion of language, when this happened in Babel, God said he would confuse the language because the people in their arrogance would sin against him, we have devices that interpret every language at once, our pride in technology is our downfall. The rise of the antichrist system total surveillance.

Our nation is in Slavery, slavery to debt and the corporations, slavery to sin in our sex lives. The Birth Pains are increasing, ushering in the soon return of Yeshua, where we will be saved from this world, that is under the power of the Antichrist.   If you don’t see the parallels and understand what’s coming, then you might miss out on the outpouring of Yeshua’s gifts to help the saints survive and live. This Shavuot is going to be miraculous.

                Monte Judah, Mark Blitz, and others have been researching a study from Genesis 6 :3; “Then the lord Said,” My spirit will NOT Contend with humans forever, for they are mortal: their days will be a hundred and twenty years.”

 There are many explanations about this time reference, but I agree that what God is saying is:

I will give man 120 Jubilee years which is 50 x120, which equals 6000 years. Our kinsman redeemer Yeshua will return to earth for His 1000-year reign. So, we look at 2-time post ,1967 when Israel took control of Jerusalem and 1973 the Yom Kippur war. Depending on what Math was used to calculate this Yom Kippur, on the jubilee cycle this year 2022/ 2023 is the 120 years since God spoke those words to Noah. Another study using same markers but adding time for cycle of calendar say 120 is next Yom Kippur. The bottom line is in the next 2 years at Yom Kippur God is going to allow the reign of the antichrist and we will go into the 7-year tribulation.

                What does this mean for us as Believers in Yeshua, no more lukewarm worship. The holidays that are now until the return of Yeshua are so important you cannot blow them off. June 4/6 is Shavuot, the outpouring of Gods gifts to his believers for power to fight the enemy and build the church. YOU need these gifts; I don’t believe in pretribulation rapture. Once the holiday goes by you don’t get another chance. Please take time to celebrate this year, respect the jubilee year. Let the Lord Transform you into the warrior this dying world needs. Revival is what our nation needs. We need to see the manifestation of Yeshua’s gifts to save the remnant and war with the antichrist. NOW IS THAT TIME.

                Have a Blessed Memorial Day, I thank all those who gave their lives for this country. Monte Judah and Mark Blitz had the in-depth studies on their sites.

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