TORAH: Mishpatim: Exodus 21:1-24:18
Haftarah: Jerimiah 33:25-26,34:8-22
Brit Chadasah: Matthew 5: 38-42,17:1-1
I continue to look forward to Trumps presidency resuming at the white house in March 2021. In the meantime, I have faith, prayer and fasting as weapons to ensure this becomes a reality.
Big things that point to changes in our reality:
Bezos steps down from amazon as CEO….
CNN loses their CEO.
Pence leaves office and is starting a conservative channel. (which is what Trump said all along.)
Bank CEO resigning all over world. Governments in several nations have resigned.
The impeachment charade continues.
Biden popularity is dropping dramatically each day.
The list of huge changes in our society are commonplace now. Lots of military trials from fall out from Epstein list continue to be exposed, including Justice Roberts. That is why he will not oversee the impeachment.
This week’s torah portion is about relationships. The parashah begins with the words “these ae the ordinances” Mishpat-means ordinances, which means judgements. Gods assessments on how relationships within Torah community are to be lived out. The decision in our lives is clear: will we accept God’s assessments regarding proper relationships, or set them aside for our own? Will we trust His way or lean on our own understanding?
In todays society rather than “What should I do “ , based on Biblical standards ,becomes what does my heart tell me to do. Everyone needs to “find their own way, “find themselves based on a corrupt dying world. This humanistic thinking gave us free love, the sexual revolution and 60 million abortions. Let us resolve to get back to the basics. To love life from the womb to old age. To guard and protect all life as a supreme gift from God. Our nation is crumbling. Cancel culture is dividing our nation. We need a revival, a touch from God to rebuild and Become, One Nation Under God.
Special thanks to Tim Hegg at torah resources.