May 2-8th, 2021 Iyar 19-25 Iyar 19-Iyar 25. 5781 L’Omer: 29-35 (missed volume 22) Vol 23

Brit Chadashah: Luke 14:16-21
John 14:15-21,15:10-12
2 Corinthians 6:14-18
Three more weeks and we are at Shavuot/ Pentecost. The 22nd and 23rd of May. In the Old testament the receiving of the Torah, In the New Testament The receiving of the Holy Spirit. I believe Yeshua has not abandoned the USA. What a more perfect time to show us his miraculous working power against the illegal socialist group that is destroying America.
The gifts of the Holy spirit are for edifying the church and showing the world the power in Yeshua’s name. This weeks torah portion is the conclusion of the book of Leviticus, the theme the past few weeks has been holiness. To be “HOLY “set apart for God. We do this by being members of his covenant. God has given us the means to continue to be holy and maintain our faithfulness. His commandments and holy days and being faithful to Shabbat weekly aid us in being set apart to Yeshua. Who will allow us ,thru his holy spirit to do” even more works than He did.” Our world needs lights who walk and speak in the power of Gods word and gifts. Set yourself apart.

The sages list 7 ways a nation or individual would be punished by God: (in the stone Chumash)

~ Not listening to God

~ Not preforming His commandments

~ Considering his decrees loathsome

~ Rejecting the ordinances

~ Not preforming the mitzvot (a pattern of Life)

~ Annulling the covenant, and thus

~ Denying the existence of God.

God has promised that, as a true Father the covenant that we are a part of, He will discipline those whom He loves, not allowing them to walk in their own ways, or despise his covenant. Through repentance, teshuvah, returning and repenting God will accept his wayward sheep.
Our Father offers eternal life. Apart from his grace in giving us life and strength we would not exist. When we observe the cancel culture and their disbelief, the extreme denial of God, we can see the battle we are fighting. As a nation we are being judged. Fast, pray and bind those who believe and do not believe to the will of our loving father. Amen