December 09 2022

              The season of Hanukkah is a time when a few stood faithfully against evil and God gave them victory, the Jewish people were suffering under foreign governments like the ones interfering with our elections and who have bought off our President and Congress. Eventually after a few years of war a handful of Priests, the Maccabees, defeated a much larger army.

              God Has called upon us to cooperate with Him so we can sanctify His name on earth and govern this world with Him. What impedes us from doing this?

              Tim Hegg identifies 4 reasons, I will paraphrase his article: Fear is number one, fear of failure, fear of rejection. Fear that the cost is too high. I’m reminded here that Yeshua tells us our lives belong to him. Matthew 10:39, Whoever tries to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life will preserve it.  It takes Faith. 2 Timothy 1:7. For God has not given us a spirit of fear but of power, and of love and of a sound mind.

              We become over focused on our own weaknesses. We forget God does the work we are his ambassadors. we tend to focus that we are not holy enough or good enough. We are not good enough nor will we ever be… but Yeshua in us makes us holy. Yeshua never intended us to walk a life of righteousness alone. Through repentance, faith and understanding, God is our rock. We can overcome the evil that attacks us in this world but we have lost our communities of faith, and we need to get off our phones and build quality relationships built on the word of God.

              This leads to a third reason we fail; we focus on the distractions of life. We lose proper focus on God. In 2Tim2:4 we read, “No solider in active service entangles himself in the affairs of everyday life, so that he may please the one who enlisted him as a solider” commitment to regular, disciplined worship of God can overcome our enemies. Mind, heart, will, emotion, and all our strength. Strong words of commitment need to save our dying world and ourselves.

              Finally bad information or bad teaching weakens God and our walk with Him. Its like fake news… it destroys faith. Those who believe in elections, governments, medicine, and media are going to be in for a rude awakening… Our current Messianic movement is a mess, there are several varying interpretations and voices. Bottom line read the word, study, dig out the truth! You can only do this through dedicated study and consistent worship, you can not serve two masters.

              We are in the season of Hanukkah! It is the Feast of Dedication, let us dedicate ourselves to be Disciples of Yeshua in Gal6:9-“let us not grow weary of doing good; for if we don’t give up ,we will in due time reap the harvest!”

Amen and God Bless