January 25, 2022
Abraham Joshua Heschel Book: I asked For Wonder, page 79. Living is not a private affair of the individual. GOD, S TIME Living is what man does with God’s time,…
Abraham Joshua Heschel Book: I asked For Wonder, page 79. Living is not a private affair of the individual. GOD, S TIME Living is what man does with God’s time,…
Quotes: ABRAHAM HESCHEL: THE MESSAGE MAN is a Messenger Who forgot the message. While watching Bidens bumbling press conference, I was reminded of the tower of Babel. I was fascinated…
January 15 -22 Torah portion; Jethro Exodus 18:18:1-20:26(23) Haftarah: Is 6:1-7: Is: 6;1-6:13 Apostolic: Mat 5:8-20 Tim Hegg of Torah Resource has a great explanation of this weeks torah portion.…
Torah: SHoftim Deuteronomy 16:18-21:9Haftarah Isiah 51:12-52:12Brit Chadashah: John 1;19-27 1 Corinthians 5:9-13 This week’s torah portion is called Judges. The torah portion reminds us about the Festival of Sukkot and…
Liberty Savard, in her book, Breaking the Power: express’s my idea of the gift and power of Yeshua’s Saints in the END Times. God has purpose for the soul…
Liberty Savard, in her book, Breaking the Power: express’s my idea of the gift and power of Yeshua’s Saints in the END Times. God has purpose for the soul that…
Have a great Shavuot, pouring out of Holy Spirit and the giving of Torah all on the same day. I pray we are all anointed with the Holy Spirit to…
Torah: Acharei Mot Leviticus 16;1-18:3 Kedoshim Leviticus 19;1-20:27Haftarah: Ezekiel 20:2-20; 22:1-19 Amos 9:7-15Brit Chadashah: Romans 3;19-28, 9:30-10:13: Galatians 3:10-14, Matthew 5:33-48 15:1-111 Peter 1:13-21So much is happening in our country.…