April 4,2021 -April 10,2021 Nisan 21,5781 Vol. 19

Feast of Unleavened bread (day 7)
Feast of First Fruits (Begin count of Omer) Count the next 50 days until Shavuot.
Torah: Shemini: Leviticus 9:1 -11:47
Haftarah 2 Samuel 6:1-7:17
Brit Chadashah: Acts 10;1-35
Hope everyone had a great Passover, as we start the week and begin counting the Omer, please watch Jonathan Cahn message: the resurrection day celebration. The man whose name is genesis. It is inspirational and a great teaching about beginnings and how Yeshua creates us everyday into a new creation.
Several years ago, I lived in Oregon. During this time, the Holy spirit led me to attend a teaching with Stormie Omartian. She was at a church not awfully close to where I lived, regardless I was to go and pray over her. I was surprised because she is not a messianic believer, nor are her teachings and books messianic. As a Bondservant I do not get to choose where I go so with Yeshua’s blessing I went to her meeting. It was a talk or teaching about people being like puzzles and how were all unique and each piece makes us into who we are and what we become. She gave a great talk but did apologize saying she was under the weather she asked for prayer. At the end those who bought her book could get the signed by her in person. I stood in line and waited; I knew it was important I lay hands on her. I asked her permission to lay hands and she said yes. The minute I made contact on her shoulders I felt the Holy spirit flow through me into her body it lasted about 1 minute, her facial expression revealed she had felt the heat of healing move thru her, however Yeshua told me to go, I was not to talk to her ,because Yeshua had healed her and I was not allowed any of his glory, as I thanked her, I grabbed my book and began to hurry down the hallway, she called for me to come back, but I ignored her. After that incident I bought more of her books and really began to enjoy reading them. They are full of prayer for everyone and everything. I have been reading those prayers for my adult son. I replace Yeshua’s name for Jesus and she has scripture backing all the prayers in her books. I encourage anyone who needs help to pray to buy her books. I own: The prayer that changes everything, Prayer for your adult Children and The power of a Praying Women.
Romans 12:2: Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is good and acceptable and the perfect will of God. The word of good never returns void. Continue in prayer for own nation.
Several super moons are happening the next few months. April 27, May 26, and June 24.
These moons will appear 31 percent closer, making them appear much brighter and larger. May super moon will also be a Blood moon and have a full lunar eclipse. Happening during the month of the pouring out of Pentecost and Shavuot. The signs in the sky are messages of Yeshua.