
January 15 -22

Torah portion; Jethro Exodus 18:18:1-20:26(23)

Haftarah: Is 6:1-7: Is: 6;1-6:13

Apostolic: Mat 5:8-20

Tim Hegg of Torah Resource has a great explanation of this weeks torah portion. In a nutshell the old and New Testament are one book, not two. The next area discussed is ordered leadership. Without spiritual strength and we see a lack of this in our own country right now, the illegally corrupt leaders who stole an election destroy our nation. We watch the systemic pillage and criminal destruction of our values. Our so-called leaders lack integrity, humility, and wisdom.

                Chapter 19 is the giving of the Torah, God separates based on his Messiah” He who believes in the son has eternal life, but he who does not obey the Son shall not see life, but the wrath of God abides on him. “We are waiting for the second coming of our Messiah. Our world is dying. We area mixture of believers and a mixture of unrighteous and righteous. Just like the multitude in exodus. So, God gives Israel the ten words, our commandments to show how to live. We arrogantly think we don’t need those words today. We couldn’t be more wrong. Ecclesiastes 12;13, The conclusion, when all has been heard, is: fear God and keep his commandments, because this applies to every person.”

                Most people who follow Hope and Hessed, have known me for years. I was a nurse and worked with a lot of you. Before nursing I worked in Microbiology and even did some genetic studies at Wayne state. In 1976 there were two consecutive outbreaks of fatal hemorrhagic fever in the Congo. I was a freshman in college and studied everything I could on Ebola, Hanna virus. I had dreams of people bleeding from their eyes and noses, ears. In 1995 the movie Outbreak with Dustin Hoffman brought back those dreams and all the study. I moved out west and often on the Native reservations from mice and rodents the fleas bite and can cause hemorrhagic fever. So where am I going with this? China, this past year hundreds of dams have ruptured and much of China has been flooded. Floods move rodents, like rats, mice, moles etc. into buildings. Chinas population is packed in the cities and a few weeks ago, September, I began to dream of people bleeding from their eyes and noses, dying everywhere. China has locked down 13 cities as of today. Most think it is because of covid, but there wrong it is hemorrhagic fever. With the Olympics coming they are doing everything they can to contain the spread. If athletes from around the world take this disease home hundreds of millions will die. Psalm 91 is really your only protection. Crossroads with Josh Phillips talks about the current situation’s

Have a Blessed week.